sayana's tips

Marbles spent well

✪ Voted by the Sayana community as helpful when feeling excited, calm, hopeful, positive, happy

I want to show you a little exercise that will help you visualize how you spend your time. It’s practical and easy to do on a daily basis, I call it the marbles exercise.

So, there is a belief that wellbeing consists of 4 essential parts: emotional, physical, social and professional, which is work or studies.

Quite often these parts are unbalanced, and one part may consume too much time and attention. While modern life is demanding, I think it’s helpful to visualize how exactly does this disbalance look like.

Take five glasses and 24 little rocks or marbles. Name glasses as sleep, work or study, social, exercise and "me-time," put in as many marbles as hours you spend a day doing every of these activities.

Now you see how your average day looks. Some of the glasses are full, some may be empty. From here you can either do nothing, or start spending more time in the areas that look emptier.

While I understand it’s easier said than done, let these glasses be a reminder and a time tracker for you, and if you happen to spend more time doing some activity from the emptier glass, just move one marble from the other one.

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Sayana helps with understanding thoughts and feelings